Explanations for Analyze Text Module

Revision 5 (22. October, 1999)


Search Window

Under the heading Wortsuche/Frequenzanalyse you will find the window where you enter your search string. Please, make sure you know exactly how to formulate your search string(s) before you start your investigation. If you don't, please go to General Help first. Once you know your search string, enter it into the search window. Keep in mind, the more limited the scope of your search the shorter will be the response time for your output.


Window for Text Selection

Under your search window you find the window for text selection with the selection Alle Texte (all texts) as first option followed by the list of individual texts. Just clicking on an option (text) will highlight your choice and you are ready to go ahead with your search. If you want to select more than one text, click on the first text of your choice, then hold down the Shift-key and click on the last text you would like to select. All texts between your first and your last choice are now highlighted and selected. If you want to crop down this selection further, hold down the Ctrl-key and click on those texts you want to eliminate from your original selection until you have exactly the selection you want to use as a textbase for your search.


Text Group Option

Below your Window for Text Selection you will find two buttons Autorengruppen (author groups) and Texttypengruppen (text type groups). Clicking on one of these buttons will change the options in the Window for Text Selection to display the respective group choices. Thus, for instance, you may conveniently choose all the works of a respective author (e.g. Hartmann von Aue) or all texts of a specific type (e.g. Heldenepik = heroic epics).


Output Control Options


Context Options

These options are only valid when you search for more than one item cooccurring within context. To the right of your Window for Text Selection you find smaller windows for setting the specific parameters for your output. In the first row on top you may determine the scope of your context for context-oriented searches. You may first want to set whether you want the context to be determined by the number of words or the number of lines before or after the keyword(s) or string(s) of your search by clicking and pulling the little arrow box next to the right hand window. After that you enter in the smaller window on the left the number of word/lines for your context. Please, be aware that contexts exceeding 20 lines or 100 words before and after your key word/string are no longer meaningful. Those are the limits set by default.


2. Table Space

In the row below you find a window (max. Tabellenlänge: = maximum table space) where you may set the maximum length of your output table (between 1 - 999 rows). The default is set to 100 rows. Please, keep in mind that in general, searches that require more than 100 rows of output are too general in scope and should be limited accordingly. Again, the more limited the scope of your search the shorter will be the response time for your output.


3. Lemma/Variants Options

The window in the third row from the top allows you to choose between various forms of displays according to lemmas and their variants (Varianten anzeigen), lemmas only (Lemmas anzeigen) and sums of lemmas and variants (Summe aller Lemmas).


4. Text Display Option

The bottom window allows you to choose your display between occurrences in each individual text (Einzeltexte anzeigen), according to text groups (Textgruppen anzeigen) or simply as sum total of your entire text base you selected (Summe aller Texte).


Starting a Search

Clicking on the button Suche starten will execute your search according to the search string you entered and the parameters you set for its output.


New Search

By clicking on the button Neue Suche your search string is erased from the search window and all parameter options are reset to their defaults.


Outputs come in form of tables, whose form the user can determine to some extent. More about this in Output Control Options.
When looking at the output table anything that appears in color (blue in Netscape) may be clicked on for further action. The far left column gives you the lemmas/variants/unlemmatised words the system retrieved. Lemmas appear in color. If you click on a lemma, you will arrive at the Wordindex entry, where you may check the various meanings of the word. Click on "Back" to return to the output table. The top row of the table gives you the short form of the texts (see Text List), in which occurrences of the search string were found. Each row gives you the occurrences of an individual word, that is listed in the same row in the far left column, for a given text. The highlighted rows show you the cumulative frequency for the entire lemma (with all its variants). You will find the cumulative frequencies for all texts in the far right column. Any frequency number that appears in color can be clicked on, which will take you directly to the context references in the respective text or in all the texts. Keep in mind, the size of the context for these references cannot be altered by the user unless you are searching for cooccurrences of several search strings within a specific context (see Context Searches. Depending on the number of occurrences the system retrieved you will either get a short list of occurrences with one text line for each occurrence or a longer list with each individual occurrence within a set context of several text lines before and after the keyword. When you are in a short list, you may either click on a line number to get at an individual occurrence within context separately or check any number of boxes on the left of each line number and thus select your own shorter list within the list of one-line references for full context display. On the bottom of the list, you will find three buttons "Alle anzeigen (Show all)", "Auswahl anzeigen (Show selection)" and "Auswahl löschen (Cancel Selection)". Push any of these for further action. Getting back from the text references to the output table? Just click on "Frequencies" on the far left under the picture.

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